
Bervoets S, Jacob MS, Devineni AV, Mahoney BD, Sullivan KR, Butts AR, Sung H, Einstein E, Metzstein MM, Dus M, Shepherd JD, Caron SJC (2024). dArc1 controls sugar reward valuation in Drosophila melanogaster. bioRxiv doi:10.1101/2024.11.04.621761. Link (collaboration with the Caron lab)

Published research articles

Walker SR*, Peña-Garcia M*, Devineni AV (2025). Connectomic analysis of taste circuits in Drosophila. Sci Rep 15(5278). *these authors contributed equally Link Summary of original or revised version

Jacobs RV, Wang CX, Nguyen L, Pruitt TJ, Wang P, Lozada-Perdomo FV, Deere JU, Liphart HA, Devineni AV (2024). Overlap and divergence of neural circuits mediating distinct behavioral responses to sugar. Cell Reports 43(10): 114782. Pubmed Summary of original or revised version

Deere JU, Sarkissian AA, Yang M, Uttley HA, Martinez Santana N, Nguyen L, Ravi K, Devineni AV (2023). Selective integration of diverse taste inputs within a single taste modality. eLife 12: e84856. Pubmed Summary of original or revised version

Deere JU, Devineni AV (2022). Taste cues elicit prolonged modulation of feeding behavior in Drosophila. iScience 25(10): 105159. Pubmed Summary

Devineni AV, Deere JU, Sun B, Axel R (2021). Individual bitter-sensing neurons in Drosophila exhibit both ON and OFF responses that influence synaptic plasticity. Curr Biol 31(24): 5533-5546. Pubmed

Devineni AV, Sun B, Zhukovskaya A, Axel R (2019). Acetic acid activates distinct taste pathways in Drosophila to elicit opposing, state-dependent feeding responses. eLife 8: e47677. Pubmed

Devineni AV, Eddison M, Heberlein U (2013). The novel gene tank, a tumor suppressor homolog, regulates ethanol sensitivity in Drosophila. J Neurosci 33(19): 8134-8143. Pubmed

Devineni AV, Heberlein U (2012). Acute ethanol responses in Drosophila are sexually dimorphic. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 109(51): 21087-21092. Pubmed

Devineni AV, McClure KM, Guarnieri DJ, Corl AB, Wolf FW, Eddison M, Heberlein U (2011). The genetic relationships between ethanol preference, acute ethanol sensitivity, and ethanol tolerance in Drosophila melanogaster. Fly 5(3): 191-199. Pubmed

Devineni AV, Heberlein U (2009). Preferential ethanol consumption in Drosophila models features of addiction. Curr Biol 19(24): 2126-2132. Pubmed

Joseph RM, Devineni AV, King IF, Heberlein U (2009). Oviposition preference for and positional avoidance of acetic acid provide a model for competing behavioral drives in Drosophila. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 106(27): 11352-11357. Pubmed

Review articles and commentaries

Devineni AV (2024). A complete wiring diagram of the fruit-fly brain. Nature 634(8032): 35-36. Pubmed Open access link

Devineni AV (2022). Sensory biology: Olfactory cross-talk reshapes odor coding. Curr Biol 32(19): R1002-R1005. Pubmed

Devineni AV, Scaplen KM (2022). Neural circuits underlying behavioral flexibility: insights from Drosophila. Front Behav Neurosci 15: 821680. Pubmed

Devineni AV, Heberlein U (2013). The evolution of Drosophila melanogaster as a model for alcohol addiction. Annu Rev Neurosci 36:121-138. Pubmed

Kaun KR*, Devineni AV*, Heberlein U (2012). Drosophila melanogaster as a model to study drug addiction. Hum Genet 131(6): 959-975. Pubmed *these authors contributed equally

Devineni AV, Heberlein U (2010). Addiction-like behavior in Drosophila. Commun Integr Biol 3(4): 357-359. Pubmed