eLife paper published
Our paper on bitter taste processing was published in eLife today! It’s titled “Selective integration of diverse taste inputs within a single taste modality” and addresses how the brain processes and integrates different types of bitter taste inputs.
All credit for the new results goes to 4 amazing Emory students. Arvin Sarkissian, a rotation student from the Neuroscience PhD program, singlehandedly performed the connectomic analyses in Figure 9 (with credit to Barbara Noro for some of the original code). Maia Yang, a third-year undergraduate Biology major, performed nearly all of the optoPAD feeding assays in Figure 2. Lam Nguyen and Kaushiki Ravi, second-year undergraduates, conducted behavioral experiments testing locomotion, spatial preference, and learning.
And of course, the original work was conducted by Dr. Devineni and some fantastic mentees at Columbia: former technician Julia Deere (now a PhD student at Rockefeller), former technician Hannah Uttley, and former City College of New York undergraduate Nicole Martinez Santana (now a nursing student at Columbia).
Congrats to all the authors!
If you’re interested in exploring other questions related to taste processing, learn more about joining the lab here!